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Build a brighter future in Reading - create a Fostering Friendly workplace to be proud of
The scheme
According to The Fostering Network, nearly 40% of foster carers combine fostering with a part-time or a full-time job.
If you’re an employer in Reading, help us build a brighter future for local children and young people and create a supportive environment for current and prospective foster carers.
The scheme, run by The Fostering Network, is free to join and encourages local businesses and organisations to implement a company-wide policy to get more people to think about fostering alongside their job. The policy sets out all entitlements, offers flexible working arrangements, time off for training and more.

The process
The accreditation is approved by The Fostering Network – their team is on hand to provide practical advice to help you join the scheme.
- Email fosteringfriendly@fostering.net for your draft policy
- Review and adapt the policy to reflect your organisation
- Arrange a call with The Fostering Network to finalise your policy
- Get approved - celebrate the good news on social media and display your Fostering Friendly logo with pride
- Tell us - we'll help you spread the word and promote you on our platforms
The benefits
There are many benefits to joining the scheme, not just for foster carers – but also for you!
- Build on your brand - be seen as a caring employer where staff are recognised and appreciated
- Create a diverse and inclusive workplace where opportunities to do good are encouraged and the wellbeing of staff is highly valued
- Show strong social responsibility and your investment in the local area
- Promote your commitment to work-life balance
- Use the Fostering Friendly logo on your recruitment materials

What we'll do to support you
We’re here to help – here are the things we’ll do to welcome you to our fostering family!
- Announce your membership on our social media channels
- Write a blog about you and publish it on our website
- Promote your membership to our foster carers via our newsletter
- Provide support on raising awareness of fostering internally at your company
Want to foster and work too?
Show this page to your line manager to encourage your workplace to become Fostering Friendly!